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3D2N Terengganu Photography Trip

In Conjunction with the exhibition, the organizers of the SPM’s national tour Photography Exhibition have planned an exciting 3-day, 2-night program of photography activities that will take place in the exhibition.

  • 我们很高兴地通知您, 即将举行一场令人期待的摄影活动——“登嘉楼展览与3D2N活动”,时间是在2023年7月14日至16日。这次活动将包括在登嘉楼的摄影展览和摄影拍摄活动。

Lets discover the Landscape & Humanities Journey



This program will offer participants a unique opportunity to further develop their photography skills and explore the beauty of the city of Kuala Terengganu.



The program will include landscape photography sessions during sunrise and sunset, allowing participants to capture the natural beauty of the surrounding area in the best light possible. Participants will also have the opportunity to experience traditional Malaysian arts and crafts, including kite making and wax printing. These activities will provide participants with a deeper understanding and appreciation of the cultural heritage of the region, while also offering unique photographic opportunities.

参与者还将有机会体验传统的马来西亚艺术和手工艺,包括风筝制作和蜡染印刷。这些活动将为参与者提供对该地区文化遗产的更深入的了解和欣赏,同时也提供了独特的摄影机会。 该计划将由经验丰富、知识渊博的摄影导师领导,他们将在整个计划期间提供指导和交流。

Overall, the 3-day, 2-night program of photography activities promises to be an enriching and unforgettable experience for participants. It is a wonderful way to complement the exhibition and to deepen one’s understanding and appreciation of the art of photography in the beautiful setting of Kuala Terengganu.


Here are the details and schedule of the event:

3D2N Terengganu Exhibition and Photography Tour

Itinerary includes hotel accommodations and rental car fees in Terengganu (excluding lunch and dinner)




登嘉楼展览和拍摄活动 行程包括酒店住宿和在登嘉楼租车费(不包括午餐和晚餐)


Date 日期:14/07/23 – 16/07/23 

Cost 费用: RM280/pax


*请把款项汇款到以下户口 Please bank in to the following account:

Maybank Account No. 014235452539

Account Name: LIM CHEE SUN


*Please whatapps your info bank in slip to

010-2259115 ( Joyce Leong)

Register Deadline: 30/05/23


Day1 14/07/23

* 12:00pm 抵达登嘉楼酒店 Arrival in Terengganu Hotel

* 12:30pm 午餐(自费)Lunch at your own

* 02:00pm 展览开幕式开始/ 参观摄影展览 Exhibition Open ceremony & enjoy the photography exhibition

* 03:00pm 《微美世界的奥秘》分享会 The beautiful Macro world Sharing Session(Wilson Chang)

* 04:00pm 《探索暗空价值 拍摄更美星空》分享会 Astrophotography Sharing Session(Stanley Tang)

* 05:30pm 散会 End of Photography Exhibition Session

* 06:00pm 入住酒店 Check in hotel

* 07:00pm 晚餐(自费)自由活动 Dinner & Free & Easy


Day2 15/07/23 

早晨 Morning

* 6:00am 集合/准备出发 Gathering / Getting Ready

* 6:30am 拍日出(开关大桥) Sunrise Photography at the Bridge

* 8:30am 回酒店吃早餐 Breakfast at Hotel

* 9:00am 蜡染布制作过程拍摄 Batik Printing Process Photography

* 12:00pm 吃午餐(自费)Lunch at your own

* 2:00pm 马来传统风筝制作过程 Traditional Kite Making Process Photography

* 6:30pm 水晶回教堂日落拍摄 Crystal Mosque Sunset Photography

* 7:30pm 晚餐(自费)Dinner at your own


Day 3 16/07/23

* 08:00am 在酒店用早餐 Breakfast in Hotel

* 10:00am 自由活动/回程 End of Activities

(时间会根据当天行程与天气有所调整) The time schedule subject to change according to the unexpected delay or weather issue)
For enquiry please contact : 019-666 6696 ( Way Chee) 010-225 9115 (Joyce)